- Always think about average throughput versus peak throughput
- Estimate for peak to be safe
- Peak should be estimated pragmatically
- Find out the daily active users (DAU)
- If not possible, estimate peak DAU from MAU
- Thousand = 10^3, e.g., KB kilo
- Million = 10^6, e.g., MB mega
- Billion = 10^9, e.g., GB giga
- Trillion = 10^12, e.g., TB terra
- Quadrillion = 10^15, e.g., PB peta
- A modern SQL database can handle about 1,000 transactions per second (TPS)
- How many queries per second for a database?
- A web server can handle about 10,000 requests per second (RPS)
- Image ~100 KB
- MP3 file ~1 MB
- MP4 file ~100 MB